5 Great High School Retreat Ideas — Berkshire Retreat Center at Camp Schodack

5 Great High School Retreat Ideas

Amazing Ideas for High School Groups in a Summer Camp Environment

Trying to entertain large groups of young people, especially in a setting not familiar to you or them, can often be a daunting task. You have to make sure that there is suitable accommodation. Food choices and menus can be a sticky point if you have fussy eaters in your group and then you also have to plan what they will be doing in their free time.

Here at Camp Schodack and the Berkshire Retreat Center we aim to take the challenging part of all that away by providing all-inclusive packages that cater to groups of all sizes and all ages. Over the years we have seen many young people came and go through Camp Schodack and all of them will have taken something from the experience.

Below we have listed 5 ‘Camp’ ideas that you can use individually if you want to create a focused environment or combine elements each to create a more inclusive experience that will appeal to children and young adults alike.

Whether you decide that one of these ideas is right for you or not, we hope that you will at least find ideas and inspiration from our suggestions below.

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Nature Camp

Pack a lunch, pull up your hiking socks and head outside to explore! Our privately-owned site is surrounded on all sides by 60-acres of crisscrossing woodland trails and paths, perfect for educating young minds on the great outdoors. You can experience different wildlife and fauna and really reconnect with nature all within our boundaries.

The rest of our main site has designated camping areas for those that may want to spend a night under the stars. For those less adventurous, our beautifully renovated cabins will provide a home away from home during your time with us. We also have several fire pits around the site that are an ideal way to round off a day spent in the woods, where groups can share stories and roast marshmallows.

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Sports Camp

Have a competitive group that likes to test their skills? Our main site features some amazing sports facilities. Basketball courts, soccer fields, outdoor street hockey, a baseball field, 2 heated swimming pools and more.

If team sports aren’t enough, we have a number of one on one and individual sports and challenging activities that can keep your group entertained. A purpose-built go-kart track, 5 sided climbing tower, table tennis and 7 brand new tennis courts should all be enough to make sure that no one in your groups gets bored! All of this is spread conveniently over our 40-acre site and is within easy access of our dining hall and accommodation.

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Personal Challenge

Overcoming a challenge or conquering fear can instill real confidence in any young person and we have a whole host of challenging activities across our site that are perfect for doing just that.

Starting with our auto-belay, 5 sided, 40ft climbing tower! The tower is designed to allow climbing without an instructor so that participants can tackle the wall at their own pace and in their own time. It allows up to 10 people to climb unaided at a time and reaching the top is an exhilarating feeling! We also have a purpose-built go-kart track, a horse corral and a 300-yard zip-line for those that want to challenge themselves further.

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Team Building

Nothing brings a group together like an element of achieving something as a group and overcoming common obstacles. Across our 100-acre site there are a number of activities that are available to our groups to help facilitate team building. We have many small and large groups activities that our special events team can oversee and facilitate.

We have a low ropes course with several working elements that are designed to be overcome by whole groups together. Beyond that (and for the more adventurous) there is our high ropes course, set way up in the trees. Many of these elements are designed for one person at a time but individuals often have trouble overcoming them without the support of the rest of their group.

Low Ropes, High Ropes,

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Get Artistic

Got a group that is dying to let their artistic side loose? We have got everything you need right here. Our dedicated Arts Shack has all the arts and crafts project a group could want. Simple wood making projects, the ever-popular Tye-Dye, drawing painting, jewelry making and more are all under one roof.

If getting creative and making a mess (probably!) isn’t the order of the day then perhaps enjoying some light yoga or meditation would work. We have a soft play gymnastics area and also a recreation hall that both serve well as a yoga and meditation space. It could be the perfect way to end a day in the studio.


So there you have it, 5 different ways that you could offer a group of young people an incredible experience, with top-class facilities, in a safe and controlled environment. If you would like to find out more then please get in touch with a member of our team at camp@schodack.com or call us at 781-444-5520.

Alternatively, you can visit our website BerkshireRetreatCenter.com to find out more.